Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 6: #15 On Library 2.0 & Web 2.0

The articles on Library 2.0 and Web 2.0 were fascinating and really made me think. Lately I've been feeling so far behind in the digital revolution. I told a friend that I'm an analog girl in a digital world. And these articles made me feel even more so!

Yet I find this new world inspiring. I want to learn more. I agree that libraries that step out, determined to lead instead of follow, have the right idea. As a cataloger, I know that standards are constantly evolving, and I want to learn how to keep up.

When I was working at a library in Florida many years ago, I asked my supervisor if she thought we'd ever have 24-hour libraries. I could see it myself and so could she. Well, here we are! eBranch never closes! And I know customers like that ability, to log onto their computers and access the library.

The question of collection development was raised in, I believe, the "Icebergs" article. I love old movies and there are classics I'd love to see. And it's not feasible for the library to house all the classics on shelves. With Overdrive, some of these old movies are accessible. Same for classic novels. How convenient is that? Log on and download. Cool!

It's an exciting time to work for libraries in the Digital Information Age.


Fourdogmom said...

Guy Clarke sings about you on his CD Workbench Songs. The title is appropriately Analog Girl.

whitelabradors said...

I find this stuff intimidating. I am Analog girl!

Gwendolyn Chronicle said...

You have very good insight. I enjoy looking at your post.

LibraryLioness8 said...

Thanks! I'm really enjoying your blog, too.