Friday, October 5, 2007

Week 4: #9 Finding Feeds

I did have fun with searching for blogs. I found Technorati most helpful for the entertainment blogs. In fact, I found TV Shows on DVD newsfeed and subscribed to that. For me, Syndic8 was the clunkiest to search.

If I was a consistent blogger and had a My Space or Facebook page and wanted to keep in touch with others with blogs, I'd probably find Bloglines and such more useful. As it is, I have sites bookmarked and open up my favorites list to check on them. I guess I'm still a creature of habit. I won't give up entirely on Bloglines, but it'll take me a while to get accustomed to using it.


Fourdogmom said...

It's so you! Love the gray. Love the shoes.

LibraryLioness8 said...

Thanks! And thanks for the inspiration! :)

whitelabradors said...

So hep! So cute! You go girl!