Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Where to begin?

I begin this blog as an exercise for a class. I probably would never have seriously considered a blog before that. But I hope to make the best of it by doing a kind of review/recommendation blog for movies, TV, books, etc.

Before that, I guess I should tell a little about myself. I'm a librarian. A catalog librarian. I love cataloging. It's like putting a puzzle together. Information about the library material follows an established form and in a particular order. Just like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Everything has its place.

I love to travel when I can. These days I travel mostly to the West Coast to visit family and to Canada to visit friends. I used to live in Florida and miss being able to go to Disney World two or three times a year.

I watch way too much TV and read mostly cozy mysteries. I do crossword puzzles and got hooked on sudoku.

And that's about it for now.

1 comment:

Fourdogmom said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!